Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Todays blog- how I save money by couponing.

 Here is a document on made on the who/what/when/where’s of couponing! I would be thrilled to email this document to whoever wants it. Leave your email address in the comment section J

Where to find coupons?
Sunday’s Newspaper
Sunday morning when the paper comes go through the coupons. If there are coupons that you will definitely use adding up to a savings more than the cost of the paper buy another paper!
                Search different zip codes to get different coupons- all are able to be used at your store! You can print every coupon twice per computer.
You can print Target coupons on their website. You can use 1 Target coupon and 1 manufacture coupon per item.  (I bought 7 items and used 12 coupons last week)
                Companies facebook pages give out coupons consistently. Like them so you get notified!
If you go on companies websites you can email them for coupons and they almost always send you some!
Frys makes all coupons worth $1
You can print Target coupons on their website. You can use one Target coupon and 1 manufacture coupon per item.
Walgreens has coupon booklets in the front of their stores that run all month
By only when sale! (Except meat and produce). If this means stocking up- do it! Saves you money in the long run!
Anything you can get free GET- If you will EVER use the product.
CVS has coupon booklets at the front of their stores.
Best Store Prices
Frys is the best grocery store- buy their name brand. Anything that I don’t Have multiple coupons for or isn’t a great deal anywhere else I get here so that I can rack up the most amount of fuel points. Fuel points really save money on gas.
Costco has the cheapest chicken, soda and soy milk.  (Do costco once a month, the first week of the month)
Targets grocery section is actually very comparable and sometimes cheaper than Frys.
Walmart will price match, just bring the Ad to show the cashier!
Trader Joes has awesome prices , especially on olive oil and syrup- they DO take manufacture coupons!
Albertsons you get 10% off your grocery bill if you wear your cardinals jersey on Sundays!
These sites find the BEST deals FOR YOU! It is SIMPLE! Just go to their link and click on your store. Deals of the week are posted on Sunday.
Like these sites on facebook. Every day they post coupons, giveaways, good deals etc. I follow thefrugafind religiously. 

1.       Sit down with scissors, your paper, your computer, envelopes and a pen.
2.       Cut the coupons of the products you use
3.       Visit coupons.com and target.com to print coupons of products you use.
4.       Visit the websites listed. Look at the deals of the week at Frys, CVS, Walgreens, Target and Walmart
5.       Decide which stores you are going to get what deals at.
6.       Label each envelope the name of the store you are going to shop that week
7.       Insert the coupons in their proper envelopes
8.       Write on the outside what deals you are getting – use this as your list for that store.
    ~I do anywhere from 1 to 4 stores a week. ~


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