Thursday, November 3, 2011

Faithful God

New International Version (©1984)
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.  Luke 16:10

Another word different translations use for ‘trusted’ is faithful. Don’t you want to be Faithful!? God is a FAITHFUL God- we should strive to be like him!

Being faithful applies to so many areas of our life. I feel one of the most important areas is with money. God has GIVEN you all the money you have as a GIFT. He does not HAVE to. He wants to because he loves you. In order for him to bless you with even more you have to be faithful with what you have.
Here is my story of a Faithful god this week-

Mikes employer gives him an allowance used to pay for data on his phone. The amount was raised this week with no notice or no reason to a payment beyond what the data cost. It was such perfect timing! As I think back to receiving that check I realized it was just days after I made a meal for a friend who had a baby using what little food we had to get us through the week. I was faithful with little- so God gave me more!

Mercy Gilbert Hospital has a financial assistance program that you can apply for and based off of a stack of papers 2inches high you provide them they determine if they will cancel part of your debt. The morning after I packed a small bag for the food drive at my church a letter arrived telling us that $1,072 of our bill was canceled! Completely! God trusted me with what food he had provided for me and he blessed me way beyond that amount. The food cost me just a tiny percentage compared to the BIG blessing he gave me in return!
God is SO FAITHFUL and TRUSTING. I want to be blessed by him. I want to be like him. I want to be FAITHFUL with the money he has gifted me. This is the reason I coupon and I am smart and diligent with how I spend my money.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful, the most wonderful, reason to be diligent with your income, to practice faithfulness! Thanks for sharing your praise and testimony. It's very encouraging!
