Friday, November 18, 2011

WHOLEsome baby food

WHOLEsome baby food

I'm sure post people have thought that making your own baby  food would save some money, but maybe you don’t know just how much money.

Baby foods jars sell individually for between 80cents and $1.00. 
A baby on food once a day would eat $30 in one month
A baby on food twice a day would eat $60 in one month.
A baby on food three times a day would eat $90 in one month.

 I started Kenzie on baby food once a day at age 4months and then twice a day at age 5months. She has eaten $90 worth of baby food in the past two months and I spent $11.50.
Broken down:
Zuchini- $2
Apples- $5
Carrots- $1
Butternut squash- $1
Sweet potatoe- $1
Green beans- $1
Peas- $0.50
Bananas- $1
Obviously making baby food is a significant money saver and it is so easy! I spend 1hour a week making baby food. I’m sure it will increase as she eats more but it is definitely worth the time.

We are forgetting the best benefit of all- It is WHOLE foods. Making it from scratch with no added preservatives or sweeteners is so much better for your little baby.

How I do it:
I boil the food until it is nice and soft and then I blend it. I add as much water as needed to make the consistency just right for her. I also add a spice or seasoning. This helps to expand her taste buds. For example, carrots get cinnamon, sweet potatoes get nutmeg, peas gets basil, etc. I stay away from salt and sugar products.
After preparing it I freeze it in small plastic containers that fit her serving size. I also have done it where I froze it in ice cube trays and then transferred to zip loc baggies. Either way works.

Check out this awesome site for more tips and help:

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